Books for Writers

12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing


12 Key Pillars of Novel Construction


21 Book Marketing Strategies


27 Fiction Writing Blunders - And How Not to Make Them


7 Ways in 7 Days to Pray for a New Start


Advertise Your Kindle Book for Free!


An Author's Guide to Goodreads


Art of the Almost Said


Author's Gide to Working with Book Bloggers (The)


Author's On-line Presence - The Companion Handbook


Blogging 105


Blogging for Authors: The Companion Handbook


Blogging for Writers - How Authors & Writers Build Successful Blogs


Book Proposals that $ell


Book Review Secrets for Author Success


Book Sales that Multiply


Breakout Novelist


Build Your Author Platform


Build Your Author Platform with a Purpose


Busy Mom's Guide to Indie Publishing (The)


Called to Write


CD - Bible Studies


CD - Called to Minister: Writing to Help Others


CD - Discover God's Plan for Your Writing Ministry


CD - Get the Word Out


CD - Go, Grow & Write through the Hurts


CD - Hook 'em from the Get-Go: Hold 'em to the End


CD - Idea to Published Manuscript


CD - Making It Happen


CD - Put Your Best Foot Forward


CD - Recycling Used Into New Sales


CD - Think Big Because You Serve a Big God


CD - Writing Articles that Touch Lives


CD - Writing Daily Devotionals


CD - Writing Devotional/Inspirational Books


CD - You Can Do It! (Going Indie)


Christian Writer's Manual of Style (The)


Classic Guide to Better Writing


Communicate to Change Lives

Complete Guide to Editing Your Fiction (The)


Complete Guide to Writing & Selling the Christian Novel (The)


Complete Guide to Writing for Publication

Concept to Contract


Constant Art of Being a Writer (The)


Crank It Out!


Credit for registering

Dreyer's English


Editing Secrets of Best-Selling Authors


Editing Your Fiction


Elements of Style Grammar Workbook


Elements of Style Workbook


Emotional Craft of Fiction


Fiction Attack!


Fiction First Aid


Fiction Writer's Workshop


First 50 Pages (The)


First Five Pages (The)


Fixing Your Character & Point-of-View Problems


Fixing Your Plot & Story Structure Problems


Fixing Your Setting and Description Problems


Get Between the Covers


Getting Into Character


Ghost Writing: The Murphey Method


Go Teen Writers


Grow Your Author Platform


Grow Your Writing Ministry


How to Be a Blogger and Vlogger in 10 Easy Lessons


How to Blog a Book


How to Format Your Book in Word


How to Format Your Paperback in Word


How to Get Your Self-Published Book Into Bookstores


How to Make a Living as a Writer


How to Market a Book Someone Besides Your Mother Will Read


How to Navigate the Social Media Maze


How to Promote Your Book with a Blog Tour


How to Self-Publish a Book: For the Technology Challenged Author


How to Self-Publish and Market a Children's Book


How to Write a Children's Book


How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method


How to Write His Answer - Testimonies & Personal Experience Stories


How to Write His Answer - Testimonies & Personal Experience Stories


How Your Book Sells Itself


Idea (The)


Images in Publishing: The Good, the Bad, and Not Getting Sued


Indie with Ease


Irresistible Novel (The)


KDP How to Self-Publish Your Book on Amazon


Kindle Marketing Victory




Layer Your Novel


Let's Get Digital: How to Self-Publish and WHY You Should


Let's Get Visible


Make Every Word Count


Marketing as Ministry


Mastering Point of View


Mind of Your Story (The)


MP3s of 2019 GPCWC


Nail Your Novel


On Writing Fiction


Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World


Plotting Your Novel Workbook


Productive Writer (The)


Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors


Putting Off Procrastination Webinar


Reading Like a Writer


Save the Cat Writes the Novel


Say What?


Secrets Every Author Should Know - Publishing Basics


Secrets to Effective Author Marketing


Secrets to Pricing and Distribution


Self-Publishing for Christian Leaders


Sell Your Book Like Wildfire


Shoot Your Novel


Shut Up! He Explained


Sleeping Near the Ark


Social Media Just for Writers


Stein on Writing


Story Equation (The)


Telling the Story


Thanks, But This Isn't For Us


Videos 2021 Colorado Christian Writers Conference


Webinar - Go, Grow & Write through the Hurts


Webinar - Hook ’Em from the Get-Go; Hold ’Em to the End


Webinar - Put Your Best Foot Forward


Webinar Going Indie


Webinar Writing Personal Experience Stories


Weekend Book Proposal (The)


What the Wind Picked Up


Wild Ink - Success Secrets to Writing and Publishing in the Young Adult Market


Write His Answer


Write It Right! Point of View


Write It Right! Scenes Style & Voice


Write Your Novel from the Middle


Writer to Writer


Writer's Adventure (The)


Writer's Little Helper (The)


Writing 21st Century Fiction


Writing a Memoir from Stuck to Finished!


Writing Advice for Teens, Creating Stories


Writing Advice for Teens, Editing Fiction


Writing and Selling Your Novel


Writing Fiction


Writing Fiction: A Hands-On Guide for Teens


Writing from Personal Experience


Writing Motherhood


Writing Right to Success


Writing so Heaven Will Be Different


Writing the Heart of Your Story


Writing Your Story for God's Glory


You Don't Have to Be Famous


You Self-Published Now What? - How to Promote Your Book


Your Book in Print


Your Guide to Marketing Christian Books
