Bakerview Consulting; 2nd ed. edition (October 27, 2019)
160 pages
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The Author’s On-Line Presence is aimed at beginners and breaks down every part of an author’s platform in language suitable for even the technology challenged.
In this book you will not only learn all about the parts and pieces of a platform, but what the rules are that need to be followed. It will answer the question “why” without overwhelming.
You will learn:
What is the difference between a blog and a website and why do you need one
What are the popular blogging/website platforms
What content is needed on your blog/website to share with readers
What is Twitter & who uses it
What is a Facebook profile, page & group
What are Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram?
Why do you need an Amazon Author Page and a Goodreads account
Why is a mailing list so important
Most importantly, you will learn how to use an author platform to connect with and communicate with readers
This book is different than the others on this topic. It doesn’t try to convince you it is easy to sell a million copies or that being an author is an easy way to make a living. It isn’t an “I did” book.
If you are looking for help aimed at your skill level to help you along the road to marketing your book, pick up a copy of this book today.
This the handbook version - spaces are provided to answer questions and take notes