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Writing and Selling Your Novel
Jack M. Bickham

Writer’s Digest Books, 1996
214 pages
Regular price $17.99
Sale $7

Writing and Selling Your Novel is a revision and an expansion, a new edition, but with the same mission: to help you write publishable fiction. In Bickham's book, marketing is twined into the writing. In yours, it will be, too.

Follow this proven advice and you can make your work perform on the only two levels that count - as can't-put-it-down storytelling and as can't-turn-it-down manuscript. Here you'll find a mixture of fiction-writing fact and philosophy that will help you bring a professional's approach to your work; use stimulus and response believably, effectively; create excitement and evoke emotion with scene and sequel; build fascinating complexities into your characters; revise, to turn a rough draft into a polished novel; and all with salability in mind.
