Critique Groups

Our Mission

The Write His Answer Critique Groups exist to help you respond to God's call to write. We want to come alongside to encourage and equip you to get your work in print. We are a Christ-centered fellowship with a strong emphasis on prayer and Bible study, but also on learning the craft of writing and marketing. We want to help you become an effective communicator of God's truth in both Christian and secular markets. Together we really can make a difference!

Our History

Marlene Bagnull founded the Greater Philly Christian Writers Fellowship in 1983 with a small group of Christian writers drawn by announcements they read in the newspaper. Since then we have met monthly (and now every other week). Our first day-long seminar in 1983 with one speaker grew to not one but two conferences that are each three and a half days with a faculty of 50 - 60 authors, editors, agents, and publicists. I've often said that if I knew what God had planned I would have told Him, "I'm not qualified," and run the other way. But I'm so grateful I didn't. He really is able to do "exceedingly, abundantly beyond" (Eph. 3:20).

Because of ccovid, in 2021 both conferences were virtual. In 2022, the Greater Philly and Colorado Christian Writers Conferences were combined into one virtual conference. In 2023 we plan to be back in person at the YMCA of the Rockies for the May 17-20 Colorado Christian Writers Conference. The Greater Philly conference will be virtual August 2-5 to enable people to come who would not be able to attend an in-person conference.

Two Write His Answer critique groups are continuing to meet on Zoom every other week. The morning group meets from 10:30 am to noon (ET). The evening group also meets on Zoom the opposite week from 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm (ET). Please email me at to be added to the list that receives the Zoom link several days before each meeting.e limi

To submit a manuscript for critiquing, please email it before the meeting using “reply all” so everyone in the group receives it. About half of the fifteen or so people on the email list come. You can send your manuscript as an attachment or paste it into the body of the email. Please limit the length to 1,000 words. 

You’ll find the women in our group are encouragers and prayer warriors. We welcome YOU to share in our sweet fellowship with one another and the Lord.


Help for forming a group or existing critique groups

I can’t emphasize strongly enough the value of being part of a Christian writers’ critique group. The Christian Writers Market Guide 2022 provides information about groups around the nation. If there is not a group in your area, I encourage you to pray about forming one. Here are some resources to help you:

Help for Forming a Group

The Critique Process

Goals for a Christian Writers’ Group