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Images in Publishing: The Good, the Bad, and Not Getting Sued
Webinar with Eric Sprinkle


July 17, 8 pm Eastern Time (7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT)  

FREE for everyone who registers for the August 9-12 virtual Write His Answer Conference - $10 for others. Registered conferees will receive the Zoom link in an email.

Want to use that brilliant shot on your phone in your next book cover? Does it include family? Friends? Corporate logos or works of art? Which are okay to use, and which aren’t? And why not? There are rules to this, but who can keep track of things like “Assumption of Privacy” and “Fair Use” while trying to self-edit?!? Don’t worry! You focus on the writing, and I’ll help you decode the rules, guidelines, and areas of concern on using beautiful images in your written works— Blog, Indie Pub, Website or Promotions—so that you can happily write your book and not worry about getting sued. Simply show up, and either a) pose a question, or b) share a tip or trick you've also learned about 'images in publishing' and it might get used for a callout in the book Eric will tell you about! 

Eric is a professional photographer, but not a lawyer. He's happy to save you some time and effort by sharing his area of expertise with you. Why do you need to become an image expert if you can borrow his knowledge instead?
