Please note: When we set up the faculty/conferee book pages, we noted for PayPal to add $4.00 for shipping for each book. We should have done a test to make sure it was working correctly. Sadly, it wasn’t.
I don’t have time to fix this now, so if you place an order you’ll need to add $4.00 to the cost of each book.
52 Hymn Story Devotions
A Woman God Can Bless
After His Heart
Bumpity, Bumpity, Bump
Callie's Contest of Courage
Child of Prophecy - Divide Series Book One
Communicate to Change Lives
Continued Miracles
Glimpsing Glory
God, the Devil, and Divorce: A Transformative Journey out or Spiritual and Emotional Abuse
Gotta Text
Growing a Mother's Heart
How to Write a Book and Get it Published
Ishmael Covenant
Jesus Has Left the Building
Keep Running Maggie McRooney
Lessons from the River
Never, Ever, Ever Give Up
No Pity Party for Me
Old Paths and Ancient Markers
Peter O’Tooley, Bugged and Bullied
Slow Boat to China
Take It To Heart
The Iron Saint
The Jealous Son
The S.C.R.I.P.T
Turning the Tide of Emotional Turbalance
Unwrap Your Kindness Gifts
Victory through Light - How to Overcome the Growing Cultural Darkness
Victory through Voice: How to Speak Truth When the Culture Demands Silence