Beth and the Bullies
Vicki Chandler
The first in a series intended to help adults empower bystanders of bullying. Each book will focus on a different reason children are bullied: a student who is poor, a student who has a learning disability, a girl who has ADHD, a student who is an English language learner, a student who has health conditions, etc. The central character, Beth, sees others with heart eyes and notices important things about others. She can detect what a person wishes others would know. That ability enables her to discover what a person has to contribute. Her compassion leads her to find creative, non-confrontational solutions. Children who read the book will be inspired to help others who are bullied—to follow Beth’s courageous and selfless example. The book contains a list of questions to ask children after reading the book, including possible responses (to help adults guide the responses). In addition, there are several questions to ask children privately or to prompt written responses.
Note from Marlene: Vicki is a member of the Women’s Critique Group that meets in my home. What a blessing it is to be midwives to another book. Vicki’s passion to make a difference encourages all of us to “write His answer.”
Create Space, 2013
ISBN 9780615 840437
38 pages. Trade paper.
Children’s picture book