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Ana's Song
Carolyn Byers Ruch

Ana’s Song
A Tool for the Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Carolyn Byers Ruch

No children’s book alone can protect our kids from abuse. But healthy relationships plus awareness can. Rise and Shine: A Tool for the Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse (Faith-based Version)* is a captivating, beautifully illustrated story based on a true story, complete with a protagonist, antagonist and a hero. It will help parents and concerned adults begin to build a bridge of communication regarding sexual violations with the children they love and long to protect. Because children learn best through story.

Please, read this story. Begin the conversation. Build the bridge. Be the hero. So your children, like Ana, the heroine in Rise and Shine, can always sing their songs.

Note from Marlene: Carolyn is a member of the Women’s Critique Group that meets bi-weekly in my home. We all consider ourselves midwives to her important book and cheerleaders of both her writing and speaking ministry. For more information please visit

Red Boot Publishers, 2014
ISBN 9781495 94206
36 pages. Trade paper.
Children’s picture book
$12.00 retail


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