Now is the time
to say yes to God's call,
the time to seek Him
and His will,
the time to prioritize
what's really important
and put Him first.
Now Is the Time
Now is the time
to discern what slows us down
and trips us up,
to confess our sins
to Him and each other
and cast aside our doubts.
Now is the time
to fix our eyes on Jesus
and to run with perseverance
the race set before us
to proclaim the Good News
to the lost – now
while there is still time.
"Fix your eyes on Jesus" and rededicate yourself and your writing to Him.
- Ask the Lord how He would have you be "salt and light" in your own community through writing for the editorial page of your local newspaper. Click here for how-to's to get your editorial in print.
- Prayerfully set specific and measurable goals.
- Share your goals with friends who will pray for you and hold you accountable.
- Join an online critique group if you do not have a group that meets locally. See links. If you live in the Philadelphia area, go to Christian Writers Philly.
- If you've never done Write His Answer - A Bible Study for Christian Writers, click here for what others are saying and for more information.
- Plan now to attend one or more Christian writers' conferences. For info on the May 11-14, 2022, in person Colorado Christian Writers Conference click here; for the August 4-6, 2022, virtual Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference click here.
- Ask the Lord if He wants you to explore the possibility of bringing one of my Christian writers' seminars to your area. The cost of the seminar (including all the upfront expenses) is covered by the registration fee participants pay.
Father, I ask You to use each one of us in Ephesians 3:20 ways. Help us to believe, really believe, that You can use us to make a difference. Most of all help us to draw increasingly close to You so that the words we write and the lives we live will point others to Your Son who came and is coming again. In His name, Amen.