The Write His Answer morning critique groups meets every other week on a Thursday morning from 10:30 am to noon ET. The fellowship we share with the Lord and one another is precious. Bring 5-6 copies of a story, article, or chapter for critiquing. How much we’re able to read depends on how many come with work to be critiqued. I suggest you bring no more than 5-7 double-spaced pages.
From the northeast extension of the PA Turnpike take the Lansdale exit.
Turn left on Sumneytown Pike.
At the 4th light (Valley Forge Road, PA 363) turn right.
Anders Road is the third street on your left. Turn left.
Stay to the right where the road forks.
My home (a small beige rancher) is on your left on the curve with seven oak trees lining the property.
For door-to-door directions go to
DUE TO COVID we are presently meeting online, every other Thursday, from 10am until noon. A reminder is emailed before each meeting. Send your email to